Research Security

ArcticNet complies with the Canadian government’s research security requirements, ensuring alignment with national guidelines and policies to safeguard the integrity of research activities and protect against potential security threats. 

Applicants applying for or receiving ActicNet funding have research security obligations. These obligations are applicable both when applying for funding and after receiving funding, continuing throughout the life of the project.  

ArcticNet will review a sample of applications, selected at its sole discretion, to verify the accuracy of the submitted declarations. ArcrticNet reserves the right to deny funding, at any time, for a project that advances research in sensitive technology areas due to concerning affiliations. 

What do applicants need to do when applying for ArcticNet funding? 

Step 1: Determine if you are subject to research security requirements 

Review the government of Canada’s list of sensitive technology research areas (STRA) to determine if your proposal is in support of research that aims to advance any of the areas listed.  

Please note that proposals that aim to use, but not advance, existing technologies do not require attestation forms. 

If your research advance of the sensitive technology research areas (STRA), all researchers with named roles in the application are individually required to complete an attestation form to be submitted with the proposal.  

By completing this form, you attest that you are not affiliated with, or in receipt or funding or in-kind support from, any of the government of Canada’s named research organizations (NRO)1 and that you will refrain from becoming so until the submission of the final financial report.  

Please note that, the principal applicant must collect and submit all attestation forms together.  

Note: Research that aims to advance a listed STRA will not be funded if any of the researchers involved in the application activities are currently affiliated with, or in receipt of, funding or in-kind support from any of the NRO listed by the federal government.  

Step 2 : Determine if your project involved a private-sector partner 

Determine if your project involves a private-sector partner that: 

  • Has an active role in the research activities described in the proposal (e.g., sharing of intellectual property, providing expertise, actively participating in research activities, contributing financially to the research activities); or 
  • Houses part or all of the research infrastructure; or 
  • Contributes more than $500,000 to the infrastructure through a cash or in-kind contribution to any single item. 

Please note that certain partners may be refused based on the risk assessment. 

If your project involves a private-sector partner meeting any of the criteria, you have to complete a risk assessment form. Provide also one completed Private-sector partner identification form for each private-sector partner identified in the proposal that meets any of the criteria that require a Risk Assessment Form (you may need several of these forms per project, depending on the number of partners that meet the criteria) 


For more information on Research Security, please refer to the following resources: