Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

There is an indisputable body of evidence proving diverse and inclusive teams produce more creative and innovative science. ArcticNet is committed to sharing the responsibility to promote positive change and cultural inclusion within the Network. It recognizes that the existence of systemic racism against racialized and Indigenous People, the impacts of colonialism in Canada, anti 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination, discrimination based on disabilities, gender inequality and any combination of these limits the full participation of many of ArcticNet members and partners.

LOOP by Inclusive Kind 

Closing the Feedback LOOP for Positive Change 

ArcticNet has teamed up with Inclusive Kind to provide LOOP, a confidential and anonymous service designed for anyone connected with the organization to report experiences of exclusion, unfair treatment, or inequity. 

Whether you’ve experienced it personally or witnessed it, your story has impact, and ArcticNet wants to hear it in order to improve and create a more inclusive environment. 

The information you provide will be anonymized and reported back to the organization with insights and suggestions to foster a more inclusive and welcoming culture. 

To learn more and report, click here or scan QR code. 

If you have any questions, contact hello@inclusivekind.com 

How was this strategy developed?


A first version of this document was prepared by a seasoned expert in strategic affairs and organizational Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training and strategies. In order to inform the first versions of this strategy, numerous ArcticNet members participated in surveys and interviews. The strategy then benefitted from the generous input of an external committee who constructively criticized and built on previous versions of this document. This committee is composed of Indigenous People, elders, youth, consultants, and researchers. ArcticNet wishes to sincerely thank everyone involved in the process.

Please consult the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report for more details about how the survey and interviews were conducted.

EDI Strategy: A living document


ArcticNet is sharing its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to its members. This EDI strategy attempts to move beyond inefficient checklists and small policy changes that do not lead to measurable results and lasting transformative changes. This strategy sets a working, evolving framework for continuous improvement that amplifies the contribution and improves the experiences of diverse members of the network.

We therefore ask every AN member to provide us with their comments concerns or ideas to improve this EDI strategy by filling out this anonymous survey or by reaching us at conduct@arcticnet.ulaval.ca

Key Performance Indicators


ArcticNet aims to be a leader in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and is putting our commitment into action. We partnered with M&C Consulting to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will allow us to track and measure our EDI commitments. After numerous consultations, discussion sessions and a literature review of best practices, we presented the results of our work on June 16, 2021. If you would like to learn more about the creation process and the different performance indicators selected, we invite you to (re)watch the video presentation or simply consult the presentation slides.


To make this process as inclusive as possible, we are seeking your feedback on the list of key performance indicators that have been selected. Please review the list of performance indicators and send your comments to conduct@arcticnet.ulaval.ca.

Shared experiences


As part of Arctic Change 2020 our partners from the Northern Inclusion initiative have produced short videos presenting the many different journeys of the members our community of Northern research. Referred to as Vox Pops in Northern Inclusion, these videos gather testimonies of researchers, youth and other members from the North and the South, celebrating the diversity enriching our research community as well as identifying obstacles and barriers with an intersectional approach.

Make sure to listen to the three 15 min videos celebrating the diversity in Northern research.

AC2020 Vox Pops Day 1

AC2020 Vox Pops Day 2

AC2020 Vox Pops Day 3


Building on the success of their Vox Pops and the conversations they initiated about inclusion in our research community in a safe and open space, the Northern Inclusion initiative will continue through the year ahead with a series of video dialogues on important topics in Inclusion within the northern research community, the first of which was screened for the 2021 Arctic Science Summit Week.

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