Northern Research Leaders Program
The Northern Research Leaders Program builds research capacity and excellence in northern post-secondary institutions. This program supports pillar research programs and funds the recruitment of research leaders at Yukon University, Aurora College, Nunavut Arctic College, and Labrador Institute.

Yukon University
1. Permafrost and geoscience
2. Hydrology and climate change
3. Northern business and economy

Aurora College
Aurora College strives to demonstrate leadership in the delivery of education and research rooted in connections to Northern land, tradition, community, and people. Through the Northern Research Leaders Program, they are hiring three Research Chairs to advance arctic research in:
1. Climate Change Adaptation (Inuvik)
2. Health and Community (Yellowknife)
3. Indigenous Approaches to Environmental Management (Fort Smith)

Nunavut Arctic College
Nunavut Arctic College is committed to providing high quality educational opportunities to all residents of Nunavut. Through a Collaborative Research Agreement with Memorial University of Newfoundland, Nunavut Arctic College advances Arctic research capacity through:
1. Reviewing Nunavut Arctic College's research experience
2. Teaching a community research course
3. Enhancing the Nunavut Research Institute's research licensing database

Labrador Institute
The Labrador Institute is a division of Memorial University leading research, education, policy, and outreach by and for the North. Through the Northern Research Leaders Program, they are funding five research positions to study:
1. Climate-Sensitive Health Outcomes
2. Northern Indigenous Mental Health
3. Inuit-led Conservation Science
4. Northern Climate Change & Health
5. Northern Boreal Food Systems