About the Conference
Visit the conference website and virtual platform where you can find all the ASM2021 highlights including presentations, posters, sponsors & exhibitors, contests, awards and much more! Note that you will need to create an Event Mobi account if you do not have one already to access the virtual platform.
ASM2021 Summary
ArcticNet brought the Arctic research community together for the second time virtually for the 17th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2021). From December 6-10, 2021, ArcticNet hosted 1166 members of the ArcticNet community for a week of discussion, networking and knowledge sharing. With 363 Northern participants (31%), this year was the most representative conference to date. Northern participation is critical to the ASM, ensuring Northerners are an integral part of the conversation around the future of Arctic research in Canada.
ASM2021 used innovative digital tools to bring the Arctic research community together for more than 40 scientific sessions, six town hall sessions, nine panel discussions, and five plenary sessions with 1300 views and counting. Participants viewed sessions and conference events over 21,000 times throughout the week. The scientific programming demonstrated a commitment to research excellence, where approximately 280 researchers shared their expertise on a range of environmental, health and socio-economic Arctic issues.
ArcticNet was honoured to open the conference with written remarks from the Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada (available here). Statements also included the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, on the critical timing of this meeting in the context of rapid climate change and Mr. Natan Obed, President of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), on the crucial inter-sectorial relationships fostered at the ASM.
The ArcticNet Student Association (ASA) kicked off the conference by hosting over 130 students and early career researchers during their annual Student Day. The 2021 edition featured a plenary on northern research in pandemic times, a workshop from Arctic Science Journal on the publishing process, a Q&A with Inuit Research Advisors (IRA) and representatives across the North, a presentation with Iqaarvik on ethical research engagement, and a social night featuring a panel on mental health in research.
A research highlight was the launch of ArcticNet’s New Core Research Call for Proposals, in partnership with UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and Mitacs, partially funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). This program will fund innovative Arctic research across natural, social and health sciences that address emerging science priorities that support a self-determined and sustainable Canadian North. The CFP has been endorsed to contribute to the United Nations (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.
Aligned with its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, ArcticNet worked with the Inclusion in Northern Research Initiative to share diverse research experiences and discuss barriers in Arctic research. In addition to a compelling Scientific Program, ArcticNet hosted over 150 virtual posters and 24 exhibitors in their virtual exhibitor hall. ArcticNet recreated the magic of the in-person award gala with a musical performance from the Jerry Cans and the presentation of over 30 awards:
- ASA and APECS Canada presented the Mentor Award to Carissa Brown, Memorial University, for her devotion to the success of her students.
- Polar Knowledge Canada presented the 2021 Northern Science Award and Centenary Medal to Dr. David Barber for his lifelong dedication to Arctic climate change research.
- James Bolt, IRA for Nunavut and Chair of ArcticNet’s Inuit Advisory Committee and Eric Loring, ITK Senior Policy Advisor, presented the Inuit Recognition Award to Frank and Nellie Pokiak for their role in creating a world-class Beluga research program in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and to Liz Pijogge for her work on environmental research projects in Nunatsiavut.
- In memory of the former Chair of the ArcticNet Board of Directors, the new David Thomas Student Poster Award for Climate Change Research was awarded to Alexandra Langwieder, McGill University.
- The ASA presented the new Community Pitch award to Louise Mercer, Northumbria University.
- The new “My poster in 180 seconds” award, sponsored by Sentinel North, was presented to Fleur Van Crimpon, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
ArcticNet awarded nine student poster winners sponsored by Canadian Science Publishing and Ocean Networks Canada to: marine 1) Alexandra Mayette, University of Manitoba 2) Meng Ji, University of Calgary 3) Ellyn Davidson, University of Windsor; terrestrial 1) Esteban Gongora McGill University, 2) Lauren Thompson, University of Alberta, 3) Nicole Corbiere, Laurentian University, and; social and health 1) Alison Perrin, Carleton University, 2) Talah Al-Sharkawi, Dalhousie University, 3) Christine Ha, McGill University.
Thank you to all ASM2021 sponsors who make this event possible: Sentinel North, Weston Family Foundation, Canadian Mountain Network, Northern Contaminants Program, Canadian Museum of Nature, MEOPAR, Canadian Science Publishing, SmartICE, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Mitacs, Ocean Networks Canada, Lighthouse Brewing. Thank you to all the participants, presenters, partners and exhibitors for their contributions that helped make the ASM2021 a resounding success.
The ASM2021 will be publicly available for one full year on the conference platform. Please view our highlights video to enjoy the best of the ArcticNet ASM2021.