ArcticNet’s Legacy
In December 2023, the Government of Canada announced that ArcticNet will be funded for the next five years in partnership with the Strategic Science Fund (SSF). ArcticNet was previously funded through the Network Centres of Excellence of Canada (NCE) since its inception in 2003 until the closure of the NCE program in 2024. The successful SSF proposal was co-developed by ArcticNet, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Inuit Circumpolar Council, and Polar Knowledge Canada with support from over 70 organizations across the country and internationally. Through the SSF alongside other funders, ArcticNet Inc. will receive network funding to continue the collective work of studying the impacts of rapid climate, environmental, and socioeconomic change in Inuit Nunangat and the broader Canadian North.
To symbolize this new era and to recognize the last 20 years of achievements, ArcticNet has spent the last few years collecting photos, videos and testimonies from those with a vested interest in ArcticNet’s success, ranging from 2003-2024, coming together to create its legacy project, entitled Leaving A Legacy. The 15-minute video documents two decades of establishing a legacy to be remembered, supporting research excellence with an impact on the global Arctic, and building a community of Arctic researchers from the ground up.
To recognize the achievements of the dedicated ArcticNet researchers, stakeholders, partners and more, two shorter videos were created to specifically highlight ArcticNet’s impact and community, entitled Making An Impact and Creating A Community.
At the Arctic Change 2024 gala, ArcticNet premiered Leaving A Legacy, on behalf of the past, present and future ArcticNet community. Highlighting not only the last 20 years of ArcticNet but also the next 20 years of ArcticNet was only possible due to the help from our southern and northern researchers, partners, collaborators and more. Thank you to everyone who helped this project come to life. Learn more about ArcticNet’s legacy below.
At the 20 Years of ArcticNet reception, hosted during Arctic Change 2024, in the company of hundreds of members of ArcticNet’s larger community, ArcticNet premiered the second part of the special project to celebrate its 20th anniversary, entitled Making An Impact. Check out ArcticNet’s long-lasting impact on the Canadian and global research landscape below.
Premiered originally on social media, Creating A Community focuses on ArcticNet’s wide reaching community that has come together over the last 20 years. Watch the video below.
In 2024, ArcticNet launched an interactive map, showcasing the locations of 207 ArcticNet project study sites, covering all five phases of the Academic-Led Program (2004-2024) and the two funding rounds of the Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit (IQP) in 2021 and 2022.
Dive in here to discover the diverse study sites and collaborations that shape our understanding of this dynamic region. Explore the profound impact of this research and the ongoing partnerships with Inuit communities, highlighting the importance of shared knowledge in navigating Arctic transformations.